4.5 Stars Character Interview-Dean & Axel stopped by Say It with Books-These two are THE bomb people.For real!Sometimes you come across certain books that you read in one sitting because they are just that awesome?And then once you are done you feel so heart broken because now that all the awesome-ness is over you have to wait for another year for the sequel to experience another dose of that awesome-ness?Well,Dracian Legacy is one such book.You know what I loved the MOST about Dracian Legacy?The Characters.The characters have been crafted in such way that each and every one one of them feels vital to the story.The story is told from Ren's POV and boy Oh boy isn't she one kickass protagonist!Her sarcasm and sense of humor made me have some serious giggling fits.She was not like certain unbearably whiny YA heroines-she was compassionate,loyal and brave despite being pushed head first into some seriously over-whelming situations.Her sense of humor was like an ever present sidekick!“Ah hell, this was bad. Double-chocolate-chips-goes-to-my-hips kinda bad.” And then we have Axel-a sweet,romantic and protective guy with an admirable sense of honor.He cares a lot about the people he loves.He's also a man with a mission-the mission being finding the prophesied one.“You make everything about my existence worthwhile.”Dean-Despite what certain people think,Dean is mine(anyone who'd like to dispute that can meet me for a duel).This guy is hilarious.Sweet.Cocky.And haaaawt!I double dare you to read Dracian Legacy and NOT love this dude.Honestly,he's soooo swoony!Under all that misguided egotistical attitude there's one sweeeeeeeeet guy.For Real. *sniff sniff* “You look super cute when you get all worked up. If it weren't for that razor-sharp tongue of yours,I'd suck that cuteness right out of you.”Joshua,Cassie,Pey,Landon,Tyler were great supporting characters too.The story moved very smoothly and there were a couple of twists and turns that surprised me.The relationship between the characters was well developed,loved the easy banter!There were plenty of adrenaline-rush-moments thanks to the well written action scenes.And the ending totally caught me off guard-I really wasn't expecting something of that sort!The cliffhanger wasn't that big but I still cannot wait to get my hands on the sequel(I think it'll be out in Feb 2014 Hopefully we'll be able to get our hands on it earlier).If you haven't read this fantastic debut,please go do it NOW-You have no idea what you are missing out on!